Saturday, April 6, 2013

Health & Healing On A Wish and a Prayer

Cure All

We should all wish and pray for the same thing.  Surely the Gods in their collective wisdom will grant us our wishes and prayers.  However we live in a world where a madman in North Korea threatens to blow us up on a daily basis and some people think more of their dogs then they do of other people .  How can we all agree on what to pray and wish and hope for?

Do you like being sick?  Would you like to catch a disease and die?  Would you like to be sick when you grow old live every moment in pain?  The funny thing is:  No one wants these things for themselves.  Everyone wants themselves and their children and their parents to be strong and healthy all their lives.  So there is something we all want.  There is something everyone prays for.  There is a wish that is everyone's heart's desire.  Good health.   And certainly everyone should wish for and pray for not only good health for himself but for everyone on earth.  You do know if you are going to catch a deadly, communicable diseases it's going to come from someone else.  If no one one has a disease, you can't catch it either.
We could all just sit around hoping, wishing and praying for good health or we could realize something.  God has no other way to accomplish miracles or answer prayer except us.  Most of us do not encounter powerful, planet destroying supernatural forces in our daily lives.  For most of us, all of the good and the bad that comes into our lives comes from other people.  What this means is that we are the answers to our own prayers and we are what we are wishing for.
As a practical matter what this means is that the good health that we were wishing and praying  would become a world wide phenomenon is something we will have to do for ourselves. 
As an example, ask your self if you want better health care or better health.  With better health care you get to stay just healthy enough to be a vehicle to carry diseases from one place to another.  With better health, all diseases are cured.  If there are no diseases you have to be healthy.
Along with wishing and praying, talk to you family, friends, pastor, political representatives and make sure everyone knows that you think instead of having a military industrial complex wasting money and looking for newer and faster ways to kill people, you want your tax dollars and your philanthropy dollars to be spent on curing all diseases, illnesses, and ailments.
Be the cure by accepting nothing less than the cure.  We do not need more managed death.  Let the germs die.  We want to live! 
Let us wish and pray to cure all illnesses, sicknesses, injuries and ailments.  Let us praise and support all efforts that lead to cures and turn our backs on all who would waste money on other spreading various forms of death. 
It is given to this generation to be the healers of the world.
In many major religions healing is considered a sacred miracle from God.  Be the miracle.
Don't treat it, cure it!

How to Get Your Prayers Answered
How to Have Your Wishes Granted



Threshold Cup Mug
Threshold Cup



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